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Mind The Gap!

Action Arcade

Mind The Gap is a simple arcade game where the aim is survival but at a relaxed and satisfying pace. Flow with the background track or listen to your own and just Mind the Gaps, collect Gwaps and Power-Ups to survive. 

The aim is to collect power ups and Gwap coins to increase your score and also buy other playable characters.
Multiple Mini Gwap Missions allow you to test your concentration and skill and earn some GWAP!​


Indie Prize asia finalist 2018.


Top 10 Games to try this year!! by Gameskeys


FreeAppsForMe Game review on


Available on the Appstore and GooglePlay

Gameplay Breakdown

I designed MindTheGap! to be easy to play and to help to improve hand to eye coordination, The game is a matter of endurance, skill and finger agility. The player is controlled by swiping left and right on the horizontal axis to manuoover the player through a sequence of oncoming obstacles. The game difficulty gradually increases in speed or obstacle size as time passes. The player's score is based on their time and the amount of power-ups and Gwap coins they collect. Power-ups can be upgraded using Gwap coins and are key to progressing to higher levels in the game.

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Mini Me

Mini-Me ability allows the player to shrink their size to slide through the gaps. Everytime it's upgraded the power up is activated for longer period of time and the size becomes smaller. 


Big Me

Big-me allows the players to activate a score multiplier that increases the size of the player. When Big-me has been upgraded the power-up size is increased alongside the activation time and score multiplier.


When the shooter is activated it gives the player to shoot projectiles that destroy the obstacles and gain extra points. Depending on the level different obstacles have different lifespans and rewards. When the power-up is upgraded the shoot-time is increased and the size is reduced.



Brickbreacker gives the payer the ability to destroy all obstacles that the player collides with allowing them to gain hidden rewards. When the power-up is upgraded the player becomes larger and activation time increases. 

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